
Smile-A-Mile started more than 30 years ago with just a single summer camp session for children in Alabama with cancer.  Over the years, they have grown to be a year-round program that serves children and their families from diagnosis and through the years beyond treatment. Smile-A-Mile’s purpose is to provide hope for these families through their cancer journey.

Smile-A-Mile’s mission is to provide hope, healing of the spirit and love for the whole family during the childhood cancer journey. Through year-round meaningful and educational programming, Smile-A-Mile helps those in Alabama who are affected by childhood cancer thrive during treatment and the years beyond.

Through its charitable fundraising efforts, KOA Care Camps will provide necessary support to send kids with cancer to medically supervised cancer camps where they can have fun, build awesome friendships, feel the joy that comes from camping and spending time in nature, make memories that will help them heal and ultimately return home feeling renewed and filled with hope.

Learn more and donate to Smile-A-Mile here.