SERVE Letter April 2022


April is a significant month for Brookstone because it is when Easter takes place every year. What is Easter? For our company, it is about more than kids having Easter egg hunts or the Easter bunny bringing delicious treats. We believe, without a doubt, that Easter is one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar. Easter is a holiday that celebrates the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. After his crucifixion, death, and burial, three days later, He rose from the grave. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us from sin.

Mark 16:3-4 "They were asking one another, '" Who will roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb?"' But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away, even though it was extremely large. "

—Rob and Andy Whitcomb 

After the severe weather that we saw across our state last Wednesday, you need to have a Ready Action plan (RAP) for your property. Ready Action Plan is a web-based app that allows you to collect and utilize documents, plans, and critical building information. With Ready Action Plan, Brookstone works with businesses to develop a proactive versus reactive strategy for dealing with disaster scenarios. You can rest safe knowing you have access to all the essential property information in one easy-to-access, secure program. Brookstone's RAP program is one of the many things that sets us apart from any other restoration company in the business, and we are prepared to help you cultivate yours.

 Stay safe and stay ready this spring. Please give us a call. 1-800-699-1970.


Thank you to all of our customers for taking the time to share your experience with us. At Brookstone, we take our customer's experiences very seriously. It allows us to see what needs improvement and, in this case, will enable us to share with our team that what we are doing matters and is appreciated. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation as our customer above, we hope you consider Brookstone a trusted ally.