SERVE Letter June 2022


Father’s Day is celebrated this month on Sunday, June 19th. We wanted to take this time to recognize all of the fathers here at Brookstone, but specifically our father, Mike. Thank you for dreaming up this fantastic company and for the many hours you put in to help it become what it is today. Thank you for entrusting us to step up and take over the company since you retired. Most importantly, thank you for showing us how to be great family leaders and fathers. Not everyone is as blessed as we are to have such an excellent role model in their lives, and we hope we never take that for granted.

—Rob &Andy Whitcomb 

Like many Americans worldwide, you aren’t 100% sure what “Restoration” really is or how it works. So we would like to break it down for you today. The definition of Restoration is: “The action of returning something to its former condition.” When your property has any damage, whether it is fire, water, mold, tornado, or otherwise, Brookstone can come in and RESTORE your property quickly and efficiently. We work directly with your insurance company to secure your property against prolonged devastation, assess the scope of the damage, and provide an estimate to restore your personal or commercial property to its original condition. We even have controlled warehouse storage vaults to safely store and clean your most precious belongings while your home is being repaired. The short answer is that Brookstone is here for you in your most helpless of hours, and we hope you give us the chance to make a truly terrible situation a little easier on you and your family.



World Blood Donor Day takes place on June 14th each year. The day was created to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion. This day also highlights the critical contribution voluntary; unpaid blood donors make to national health systems. The need for blood is universal, but access to blood for all those who need it is not. Blood shortages are particularly acute in low- and middle-income countries. To ensure that everyone who needs transfusion has access to safe blood, all countries need voluntary blood donors who give blood regularly. In honor of World Blood Donor Day, we ask you to volunteer with the Red Cross today. Here is a link to find a donation location and date that works best for you!