What are the dangers of smoke damage?
Even after the fire is over, smoke damage remains. Lingering smoke damage can be harmful to your health. The biggest health threat from smoke is from fine particles. These microscopic particles can penetrate deep into your lungs. They can cause a range of health problems, from burning eyes and a runny nose to aggravated chronic heart and lung diseases. Smoke particles can get trapped within porous materials—anything from curtains and carpets through to furniture and plasterboard. Prolonged exposure to smoke particles can go on to cause health problems at a later date, including respiratory issues and skin irritations. Smoke particles often have an electrical charge attracting them to certain surfaces. Nail heads that are hidden behind drywall act as magnetic attractions to ionized particles. You’ll see smoke rings around these areas.
Synthetic materials also attract fire residue. Vinyl furnishings are sometimes stained in a permanent way from high concentrations of smoke. A regular cleaning crew won’t deal with fire residue the way a professional restoration crew will. Because warm air excites molecules, smoke moves toward cooler areas. This means the insides of closets and drawers suffer more damage. The areas behind the blinds often indicate the nature of the overall damage. The most common practice to test for smoke damage is completing a chemical sponge test. This test can be conducted on the surface of the affected areas by simply wiping a chemical sponge over a stain. If residue is not found on the sponge, it is evident that smoke damage is not present.
If you see smoke damage in your property please give the pros at Brookstone Restoration a call. We’ll be there when you need us.